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The Household Searchlight Recipe Book


Ida Migliario, Zorada Titus | The Household Magazine

Antique | | Condition


The Household Searchlight is a service station conducted for the readers of The Household Magazine. In this seven-room house lives a family of specialists whose entire time is spent in working out the problems of homemaking common to every woman who finds herself responsible for the management of a home and the care of children.

Preparation of food is a major project in every home.

Planning meals is simplified when dependable recipes are available. A recipe is dependable only when it has been tested for its balance of ingredients and palatability. Success relies on accuracy of measurement and adherence to principles of cookery and methods of combining ingredients.

The recipes appearing in this volume are a compilation of those contributed by readers of The Household Magazine, those developed by its food specialist, and those submitted by manufacturers whose food products have been entered for Searchlight approval. Only those recipes which have met the standard of The Household Searchlight are pub-lished.

In order to publish a book that would meet the needs of the homemaker, one thousand questionnaires were sent to readers who were known to be especially interested in food preparation. The final plan is in keeping with the majority of the suggestions received, and the book is designed to be helpful to the young as well as the experienced homemakers who live in towns of ten thousand population and under.

Following the general directions, there are twenty-five classifications. Complete contents for each classification are given on the first page of each section. The second page of each section is devoted to a brief discussion of the principles of cookery applicable to that classification. It is suggested that careful attention be given to these rules.

There are no time and temperature tables. The time of cookery and the temperature required are given with each recipe. Where it is possible the number of servings is given.

Commercially canned, packaged, and bottled products may be substituted in any of the recipes. The Household Searchlight has worked out the recipes with the substitutions and found them satisfactory.”

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